School Fees

The following fee structure will be in effect for this year:
Special Project Fee: $10.00
Grade 1 - 6:
Special Project Fee: $10.00
Technology Fee: $35.00
TOTAL $45.00
Click here to log in to School Cash Online to pay fees.
About School Fees
Schools and school jurisdictions in Alberta are permitted to assess students for instructional supplies and materials, and technology supplies provided to the student. Fees may not be assessed for any other purpose, and the school must document that all fees are used appropriately.
School fees are due in full at the beginning of the school year. If payment in full is not possible at this time, the school can accommodate payment plans to suit all circumstances.
In cases of extreme economic hardship, parents may not be able to pay the school fee in September and have no reasonable expectation of being able to make payments later during the year. In such cases, the School Administration may be able to petition for a waiver of school fees.
Please contact the school to request a form to waive school fees.