Sunnyside School is located just minutes from Lethbridge. The school is located on Sunnyside Road north (Range Road 21-2) and east of Lethbridge where it serves as the heart of the rural community.
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Sunnyside School is located just minutes from Lethbridge. The school is located on Sunnyside Road north (Range Road 21-2) and east of Lethbridge where it serves as the heart of the rural community.
View Sunnyside School in a larger map
if you live outside of the Lethbridge County and are new to Sunnsyide School please call the office at 403-327-9214 before registering.
Registration is now open for Returning students for the 2025-2026 school year. Click here to register.
Call 403-327-9214 or click here to report any absences through Edsby.