Hot Dog Fundraiser for Humboldt Bronco's

We are all deeply saddened over the tragic news of the accident involving the Humboldt Broncos. This tragedy is far reaching and hits close to home for many, including some of our staff members who have connections to a few of the victims. In response, we have decided to hold a hot dog sale on Tuesday, April 17. Each hot dog will sell for $2.00 and can be purchased on school cash online using the link here. We will only be selling hot dogs, so please pack additional snacks and food as needed for your child. As well, we are collecting donations at the school if you wish to contribute more. We will collect money at the office until Tuesday, April 17. At that time, we will make one donation in the name of Sunnyside School to the official GoFundMe Campaign.
If you need help using school cash online, please call the office and we will assist you. We request that you place the order by Monday at 3:30.
If you are able to help out with the hot dog sale at lunch, please let us know.