Home Stays Needed

Palliser Regional Schools has a wonderful opportunity for your family to welcome an International Student into your home. We welcome students throughout the school year from countries all over the world including Brazil, Mexico, Japan, China, Nigeria, Vietnam, Colombia, Korea and Sri Lanka. The majority of students are middle and high-school aged students but we do see smaller groups of elementary students coming as well.
We have both short-term and long-terms students. Short term can be anywhere from 1 week – 3 months. Our long terms students are here for either a half semester or the full school year.
We are reaching out to our communities and families to help out by welcoming these students into their homes during their stay by providing food, lodging and a supportive home life during their stay. Palliser pays our host families a rate of $750/month/student hosted.
If you are interested in hosting a student or would like some additional information, please contact Barb McDonald at Central Office at 403-328-4111 or on her cell at 403-382-9499. Or email to barb.mcdonald@pallisersd.ab.ca.