Alberta School Councils' Association Funding Update

ASCA received unexpected news regarding their funding application submitted to the Education Ministry in June for the July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 operating year.
Unfortunately, funds for our conditional grant were cut by 75%, receiving only one quarter of the funds necessary to maintain operations.
This will significantly impact administration and service delivery from the Association. Similar to the spring pivot with a Covid shutdown, ASCA will continue to be innovative in serving our members.
This will not affect our governance, advocacy, or the parent voice on school councils.
The work of school council is legislated in Alberta, and a means to garner the voice of parents in education. ASCA promotes parent involvement in public education, and presents parent views through policy into the provincial education system, working with government and organizations in Alberta.
ASCA will continue to ensure parents are recognized and respected as knowledgeable, supportive contributors to their children’s education, and are provided opportunities to be authentically engaged in all levels of the education system.
The Minister approved a one year grant of $170,000 for the Association to carry out specific (project) work identified by Alberta Education:
"The provision of resources, services and supports to school councils and other key stakeholders to ensure they have the knowledge and ability to support the implementation of the new Assurance Framework and professional practice standards for leaders.
In addition, the above project area recognizes the Alberta School Councils' Association's expertise in providing resources and supports to school councils in Alberta."
The Minister has assured us that the almost half million dollar reduction in our funding will go into the classroom to directly support students.
Looking ahead, the Association must consider restructuring efficiencies, and will keep parents apprised of ongoing developments.
As the voice of parents on school councils in Alberta, the ASCA is confident this voice will remain strong and continue to contribute to student success in Alberta.
As parent volunteers themselves, the ASCA Board of Directors recognizes the value of those most invested, and is committed to sustain efforts engaging parents as essential partners in Alberta’s education system.